MySQL-Front comments

Edits and manages data from MySQL databases

Your vote:

rating striel
Great software! I've been using it for more than 7 years and it's really the best!

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rating haissam
Good tool

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rating Sam
I had some issues with MySQL-Front 6.0.

- .SQL exported data is not 100% compatible with phpMyAdmin. MySQL-Front exports ## comments, while hpMyAdmin expects -- comments,
so you will get warnings, when trying to import MySQL-Front exported data into phpMyAdmin.

- When exporting to .SQL format, latin characters (accented i,e,o,u) in my database were converted to question marks ?.
This shouldn't happen. I think this is a bug.

Pros: Easy to use.
Cons: Not a offline Database editor. You can't import .sql file, edit the database, and then export .sql file, in an offline mode.

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Sam, mysql isn't a "offline" database. you could download the MySQL independent ZIP archive and use it as the database or a portable all-in-one version like xamp or wamp.

I use Nils (R.I.P. mny friend) mysql-front for about 15 years and still love it!

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Having used other front-end programmes, this is the easiest I've come across.
Definitely recommend it to any level of expertise as it's so easy to navigate and setup for local or remote access.

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This app does not support the 64-bit version of MS Access. Please correct it if I am wrong.

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I started to use this application about 2 weeks ago and I love it. It's fantastic!

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